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10 Guidelines for Christian Voters

Wisdom from the 1980's Pentecostals

10 14 1984
13.2MB ∙ PDF file

Pentecostal Evangel Publication No. 3675

Used for public discourse and education.

Substack Generated Transcript
*Mistakes may be present


So this week I was scrolling through Facebook,


and I'm a part of several different Assemblies of God Facebook groups,


different various ones specific for ministers,


some not.


And there was a couple of times that I'll see posts that get cross-posted between different groups.


And yesterday was one of those times.


And I saw an excerpt from an old Assembly of God magazine called the Pentecostal Evangel,


which I really enjoy going back and looking at several of the older editions.


But there was this article itself.


The broader article was called Christian Involvement in the Electoral Process.


And there was a section of that called 10 Guidelines for the Christian Voter.


And on Facebook, I didn't see the whole article.


I saw just the simple box with 10 bullet points of what this author called 10


Guidelines for Christian Voters.


And here's the catch.


This article was published on October 14th, 1994.


And the writer here, his name is Dennis Huber, W. Dennis Huber, published this piece 40 years ago.


80 to 2000 would have been 20 plus 24, so 40 years ago now.


Um, we've seen, um, 10 different election cycles since then.


And this was an election year.


I forget if I'm memories correct.


That would have been after Nixon, I believe.


Um, so who was 84?


It was someone in that range.


Nixon, Reagan is, I don't know.


I'm like a fact check me on that, but


I'm assuming it was probably an important election.


They say at multiple times throughout this specific issue,


the whole issue,


30 pages,


that it seemed obvious that there was stuff going on in the world at that point


that was pretty contentious.


I thought it was interesting.


I thought there was a few points for one of my first videos here on the newly


called pentaliturgical pastor that I thought would be interesting to go back 40 years.


and see what the Pentecostals of the 80s were writing.


And this was so funny that I saw this post and it was so well received because I


think there is a growing number of people outside of the polar majorities.




I think there's the majority of people fall either on one side of the aisle or the


other side of the political aisle,


to say the least.


But I think there's a growing portion of people who understand that American


politics aren't as simple to the Christian.


And this is really, I think, a key article because 40 years ago, this is so relevant for today.


I'm going to read...


the 10 guidelines for Christian voters first.


And then I'm going to note a few things from W. Dennis Huber's article.


It's two pages.


It's pretty short, but it's called Christian Involvement in the Electoral Process.


October 14th, almost 40 years ago, next month, October 14th, 1984.


And this is what it says. 10


guidelines for Christian voters, specifically Pentecostal Christian voters.


This is from the Pentecostal Evangel,


one of the key publications of the Assemblies of God,


my Pentecostal denomination fellowship.


This is what it says, 10 guidelines for Christian voters.


Number one,


Do not confuse patriotism, national pride, and Western culture with Christian faith and practice.


Do not confuse patriotism, national pride, and Western culture with Christian faith and practice.


Number two,


do not confuse secular political activity with the purpose of the church,


nor campaigning with witnessing and preaching.


So I'm going to clarify that probably doesn't need to be clarified,


but don't confuse secular political activity.


So political activity, that's not Christian, right?


which the vast majority should or ought to be, right?


So don't confuse secular political activity with the purpose of the church,


so the gospel,


the mission of the church,


nor campaigning,


advocating for political leaders,


with witnessing or preaching that means advocating for a candidate is not the same


as evangelistic witnessing or preaching number three do not make slanderous or


false accusations against your opponents but make maintain your integrity do not


consider a brother or sister


who is of like precious faith an adversary if he or she holds a different political view.




that one I think is incredibly important for this current political moment where


everything is based out of a slanderous nature.


I'm sick of the political ads already and we still have two months to go in this election cycle.


Everything is slander.


And are there hotly debated points of contention?




Are there things that we drastically disagree on?


Yes, absolutely, obviously.


But slander and personal integrity are seemingly absent from the political sphere.


And I think I watched a couple of videos a couple of weeks ago where it was the


2008 election,


the first election I genuinely remember,


Mitt Romney,


or was that John McCain?


I can't remember.


No, it was John McCain.


John McCain and Barack Obama.


Mitt Romney was the next one.


So John McCain and Barack Obama.


John McCain was at a political function, a town hall, something like that.


And a woman was slandering President Obama, who is about to be elected the president.


So he wasn't president yet, senator at that time.




but John McCain came to his opponent's defense and said,






we agree,


we disagree on very serious issues about American politics,


but he wasn't going to allow them to slander his opponent.


Number three,


do not make slanderous or false accusations against your opponents,


but maintain your integrity.


Remember, this is 10 guidelines for Christian voters.


We are obviously not going to be able to uphold standards like this to unbelievers


because they don't have the same moral guidelines or the same belief system as we do.


But I think really timely.


Number four,


at all times,


endeavor to verify information before accepting it as true or repeating it to others.


And point of clarification here,


if you're interested in this document,


I'll post the two pictures or the PDF to the actual post here from the Pentecostal


Evangel in the text portion of the video here,


lower down below the video.


If you want to take a look at this specifically.


But number four,


at all times,


endeavor to verify information before accepting it as true or repeating it to others.


How often with social media are we able to share things?


No time before this was this possible.


And that's why I think the polarization of the political sphere has evolved the way it has.


How it's become so polarizing.


So much animosity exists in conversations


conversations about politics in our daily conversations with people.


We can be so hostile,


so filled with hate and anger towards one another because social media has created


a world in which you can share something instantly without having really any time


to think about it,


any research,


any investment.


It doesn't matter because you just post it and move on.


Whereas before,


if you were going to have a conversation,


you probably face-to-face wanted to know what you were talking about.


Or at least you believed something so strongly that it didn't matter.


And then second,


if you were going to write something on something other than social media,


you were either writing it personally or you were going to be scrutinized because


it was public.


And it was going to be something seen rather largely.


So number four, I thought was incredibly, endeavor to verify all information.


Number five,


at all times endeavor to know and understand the candidate's position and evaluate


him or her on that basis,


on the basis of his or her ability to perform the duties and functions of the


office and his or her integrity.


Just a solid point.


Number six, at all times endeavor to know and understand the issues.


Do not excuse yourself from this duty by saying, God will show me whom to vote for.


Another solid one.


Number seven,


at all times,


compare a candidate's position with Scripture,


but not only where Scripture addresses the issue.


Do not force Scripture to do or to address issues that the author did not intend to address.


So don't look just at the issues that the author is saying in Scripture.


Look at other exterior issues.


Sometimes there's not going to be a direct correlation to a modern problem with a biblical truth.


But looking at other aspects that are jointly connected or running alongside one another, look at those.


And then don't apply things that Scripture says that aren't directly connected with


what the candidate says.


Number eight,


neither vote nor work for a candidate merely because he or she professes a


Christian faith.




I mean, that's pretty, I don't know how popular that would be today for people to say.


Just because someone's a Christian, don't vote for them.


We're studying through the book of James.


Faith without works is dead.


So if someone just says they have faith,


but their works don't align with that faith,


I think that point ties in nicely.


Do not neglect your family, worship, prayer, or Bible study.


In an election time,


in a time where our community,


our nation,


is going to drastically be impacted,


it is absolutely essential for us not to neglect the family,


our own local ministry,




The family is the context from which every single person is responsible to minister to.




to not neglect giving the Lord praise,


not neglect prayer,


the most essential aspect,


the most foundational piece of the Christian life,


and Bible study,


to not be well-grounded in the Scripture,


in the Holy Bible,


is incredibly important.


And then 10,


this is something I think would drastically challenge and not condemn,


that it would drastically convict us that sometimes our heart is not in the correct position.


But at all times, uphold your leaders in prayers.


Critically important.


Critically important.


At all times, uphold your leaders in prayer.


It doesn't matter whether you agree with them or not.


They need the Lord because there is evil in this world.


There are dark forces in this world.


And without the power of prayer,


we allow those candidates,


those people in positions of power,


those leaders—


We allow them to go through those things,


those decisions,


to make decisions,


and we aren't committing to pray for them and allowing the Lord to work through us


in our prayers.


So those are the 10, 10 guidelines for Christian voters, and I think they're so essential for today.


So timely for today, even though they're written 40 years ago by Dennis Hubert, W. Dennis Hubert.


Okay, there was one thing that I thought was incredibly important in the main body of this article here.


And let me read it to you.


It's near the beginning of the article.


You know, I'm just going to read the first two paragraphs just to give you the full context.


The beginning of the article.


Being a Christian does not automatically make a person more capable or knowledgeable.


We know that to be true.


Back into the article.


Being a Christian does not necessarily give better insight into political issues.


I know many fine Christians whom I would not like to see in any public office for a variety of reasons.


A Christian loses effectiveness if he,




so now there's a list here,




tries to spiritualize every insignificant law.


B, is a one-issue person.


Example here, he gives an example, pro-life.


And knows nothing about other issues.


Example, nuclear arms, jobs, etc.


Or C, is prejudiced against other religions or denominations.


So I guess that was just really the first two paragraphs here is not really the proper term.


But I think there's an important aspect of this quote here that we should address


as a penitential liturgical pastor.


I think it's timely for today.


And this might upset some people, but...


You know,


if it was said 40 years ago from an attorney,


Dennis Huber is an attorney in New York in a licensed Assembly of God minister.


I don't know if he's still alive or not.


But he said this 40 years ago, and I think it's true.


He says we lose—notice what the word is saying here, what he's saying here.


We lose effectiveness.


Not that we are wrong,


not that we're not intelligent,


not that we're not good voters,


not that we're not good Christians.


We lose effectiveness.


Effectiveness, witness of the gospel, is the primary thing we are called to do by God.


At my church, we call it Commission Church for a specific reason.


We focus and center our lives on the Great Commission, Matthew 28, 19.


Jesus commanded them,


go into all the world,


making disciples of all nations,


baptizing them in the name of the Father,




and the Holy Spirit,


teaching them to obey the commandments.


The key here,


witness, and effectiveness.


And Huber here says that we lose our effectiveness if we are a single issue person.


And I have heard this argument so often,


and I'm not saying it's not necessarily true,


because here's the thing.


I am as pro-life as they get.


I do not like abortion one bit.


and that might not be a popular opinion but the reality is i believe that god has


created each and every individual each and every life specific unique blessed


beautiful and important and i believe that holistically i believe that from the


moment you die or from the moment you're conceived to the moment you die and even


beyond into the life to come right because that's an important part too


but specifically your earthly life you have value regardless of what um happens to


you what you do what you are like every aspect of that doesn't matter you have an


errant value because you are created by god and that's why i'm pro-life i believe


that abortion's wrong i believe that killing is an evil act right


I don't necessarily agree that capital punishment is a great idea, right?


I understand why some people might not agree with that,


but at the same time,


I don't think that taking another person's life,


unless it is the divine providence of God,


which I don't think anyone can argue is a part of the American legal system,


It was not something that worked well for Israel when they were experiencing the theocratic rule of God.


And it's definitely not something I think the American system would venture into wisely.


And so I'm entirely pro-life, but here's the reality.


If you're voting for someone specifically,


and you just say the only reason I'm voting for someone is because of a single issue,


I don't think that is morally responsible because life is not a single issue.


And I think the wise words of this Pentecostal writer from the 80s is incredibly helpful.


And it's not to say that you're not smart.


It's not to say that you're a bad person.


It's not to say you're a bad Christian.


None of those things is what this writer said.


He says that we lose effectiveness because when we vote on a single issue,


when that is the swinging principle,


reality of what we decide to vote on,


we lose effectiveness in the eyes of people and we lose our witness,


our Christian effectiveness,


our Christian witness.


And the world is bigger than one issue.


American politics is bigger than one issue.


And I'm not going to say come here to you and tell you who to vote for.


I'm not going to tell you who I'm going to vote for because that's not important.


That's not what this is for.


The importance is there is a distinct Christian way to go about how we engage in political activity.


And these guidelines,


the 10 that I gave you,


and then that one single thought that I thought was so incredibly powerful is that


we should not be single issue people.


We should be for all aspects of life because that's what Jesus was for.


Jesus spoke to people not only in their spiritual need, but he addressed their physical needs.


He addressed the needs of those who were hungry.


He addressed the needs of those who did not have access to healthcare.


The man who was not able to get into the pool when the waters were stirred up.


and everyone else beat him to the pool jesus healed that man to the poor who had no


ability to move up in society he and befriended he allowed them to the social


outcasts to the religious outcasts um to the widows his commit his command to his


followers to take care of the orphans the widows all of those have so many


different aspects in our communal life


And to say that we're voting on one issue or to abandon these 10 guidelines changes


our Christian witness.


So I thought this was a great article.


If you're interested in reading it, I'll link it below.


I think it's incredibly helpful and incredibly timely coming 40 years after the fact it was written.


40 years almost to the day next month.


So I hope you encourage you with this short little political talk.


Hopefully I didn't scare you all away.


I don't think anything I said should be too controversial.


I think all of these points should be generally accepted.


I mean, it's Jesus alone is the answer.


It's not about red or blue.


It's not about any political affiliation.


It's simply about the world needs Jesus.


And to be a follower of Jesus is to view everything through his lens.


And that's what we're going to try to do.


That's what this pastoral journey for me and learning how to deal with people of


all kinds of belief systems,


all kinds of personal opinions.


but coming together and acknowledging the simple fact that only Christ,


the soon-coming King,


only Jesus the Lord,


the Savior of all,


is the lens in which we can make sense of all of these complicated issues.


So hopefully you enjoyed that, and hopefully next time we'll be able to have more conversations together.

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