Hey everyone, Abram here! 👋🏼
I’ve got some exciting news to share—I’m starting a new writing journey here on Substack, and I’m thrilled to take you along with me. ✍🏼
When I first started writing on my website, it was a collection of random thoughts, blogs, and reflections. A couple of years ago, I launched this Substack and titled it Our Christian Faith, with a focus on what binds us together as followers of Christ. Over the last year, though, God has been working deeply in my personal and ministry life.
This next phase of writing will reflect what the Lord is stirring in my heart, and I’m excited to share it with you. Instead of calling the publication Our Christian Faith, I’ve decided to rename it A Penteliturgical Pastor, reflecting my love for the Pentecostal tradition, specifically the Assemblies of God, and my journey of embracing the liturgical practices that have shaped my faith.
To be honest, this has been a personal journey—a lot of wrestling over the years. I’m deeply rooted in Pentecostal theology, especially our emphasis on the active work of the Holy Spirit. But I’ve also struggled with areas that needed refinement. As a licensed minister in the Assemblies of God, I’ve come to realize that if I want to see our fellowship thrive in its mission, I need to stay committed to the tradition that’s shaped me. 🌱
So why A Penteliturgical Pastor? It’s also a reflection of my love for both the liturgy and the Pentecostal experience. This doesn’t mean my writing will change drastically—I’ve always written from a Pentecostal perspective—but I hope it becomes clearer that my heart is to merge the richness of the Pentecostal tradition with a deep love for the liturgy, scripture, and theology.
For those who aren’t Pentecostal, I hope you’ll stick around and continue to participate in this conversation. I believe there’s so much we can learn from each other across the body of Christ.
Here’s a quick summary of why I’m making this shift:
1️⃣ I’m a Pentecostal pastor—that’s the lens through which I see the world, and I’ve wrestled with embracing that fully. This is home for me.
2️⃣ Focused content—I want to narrow the scope of my writing so it’s clear where I’m coming from and what you can expect in terms of perspective.
3️⃣ For the Pentecostals of tomorrow—I feel a burden to write for the next generation of Pentecostals. We need voices today that will carry forward our unique theology and experiences.
4️⃣ A revived Pentecostal voice—I believe we need a distinctly Pentecostal voice in today’s world. We’ve sometimes adopted views from other traditions, but it’s time for us to take seriously the work of the Spirit, our theology, and the richness of our faith.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. I’m excited for what’s ahead, and I hope that together, we can continue to explore what it means to be a Pentecostal, a lover of liturgy, and a follower of Christ.
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